11 September, 2011


Denial and false truth,
innocently coerced
by love’s good intentions
have come up for air.

rains over the heart,
erasing fond memories
and forces bitterness to smile.

All that is left inside the heart,
are soft aching memories,
empty, elusive sounds,
and shapes of lost care.

And all our yesterdays
echo softly inside our skulls
rhythmically crying,
organically falling apart.

Betrayed by love’s
faithlessness and falsities,
we weaken and pout,
pitying our own memory.

The battle for nostalgia
is ending and the plumes of smoke
engulf all silver linings,
shape-shifting into shadows.

Never again will
disappointment so eloquently
be understood, or cheered on.
Never again.

Denial and false truth, spurned
and championed, have
been finally laid to rest and this
eulogy mourns on.